Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Spot Like - Full Press Cabernet Sauvignon

Being American ex-pats that have recently relocated to Canada we still have sticker shock on the cost of alcohol.  We fell in love with wine while living in California prior to our move to Vancouver.  There is sometimes an almost double mark-up on the cost of wine here, ouch.  I have been struggling to find wine at a reasonable (cheap) price and have it, well, drinkable.  I thought I found the answer in Gray Fox, a cheap, drinkable California wine but am now very impressed, for the price of $8.79CAD, and quality. The Cab works, the Merlot & Shiraz I'm not quite as impressed with.  I have now discovered that they sell the Cabernet Sauvignon in a box, good for 6 weeks once opened and the equivalent of 4 bottles of wine, $29CAD even better!

*there are no kickbacks for talking about this wine, just sharing what I like!

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