Monday, January 30, 2012

The parents least favorite 'N' word, no, no, no

No!  So much power especially when you are 2 year old and so frustrating if you are the parent on the receiving end.  Currently, it seems I have 3 different 'No' kids -
Type I - The immediate responder
Type II - The independent
Type III - The smart alec

It depends on how my day is going and my mood as to what Type drives me most crazy.   The Type I can be annoying but almost like white noise you can block out the continuous no's as you anticipate that the response is always 'no'.  Most frustrating with Type I is when you communicate and 'no' just can't be the answer like when you are stating the obvious 'you are in the bath right now'.

Type II, there always seems to be a 'mama' added for example when child requests water and after you schlep to the kitchen and get a glass of cool water for the child the response, before even having any, is 'no mama, cold water'.

Oh but the smile and the little shake of the head side to side when Type III delivers their no it's just so cute....not really and on my lucky days I may even get a full physical turn in the opposite direction or just have the child walk away.

I'm guessing if you have been through toddler hood you have experienced this phase and may even have your own Type to add to the list?

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